We all want to avoid pain. Unfortunately, when your jaw hurts it is hard to function because so much of what we do involves moving our jaw. If you are experiencing jaw pain, call us immediately so we can begin the process of relieving your pain. Dr. Christina Cairns is usually able to treat TMJ pain with a non-surgical, non-pharmacologic, non-invasive approach. Before any treatment, Dr. Cairns will obtain a preliminary diagnosis of your TMJ problems and assess whether she believes she can help you and your unique situation. If Dr. Cairns does not believe you are a good candidate for her treatment, she will refer you to the proper medical or dental professional to better assist in your care. In the office of Dr. Cairns, 92% of patients achieve maximum medical improvement without surgery. Dr. Cairns only treats two things, conditions of the jaw joint and Sleep Apnea/Snoring. The truth is because of the way the body works, commonly, these two things are very tightly correlated, and treating one without considering the other is naïve at best. Rest assured if you are being treated for one of these two things Dr. Cairns will do her best to help you discover if you have the other.
(719) 344-9161
Phone: (719) 344-9161
Fax: (719) 213-2612
1675 Briargate Boulevard, Suite C
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
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